It is only fair that LGBTI people are treated as equals.
Donate and power our campaign. Give a one-off donation or give regularly.
Love is love neither homo nor hetero. Therefore, it’s only fair that love is treated equally. Now is the time for people and politicians to amend this inequality in Czech society. It’s only fair and equal. Politicians have not found the time over the last four years to amend and settle legislation on registered partnership.
With your support and donations, we want to change that.
We want our policy formers and makers to act fairly towards LGBTI people, and recognize our love, commitment and contributions. Therefore, we are campaigning to increase public support for the marriage equality of LGBTI people as it’s only fair.
We have brought together a coalition of non-profit organizations and people who believe it’s only fair and equal that they have the choice to marry. Together, we are challenging the status quo. We cannot do it alone. We need your financial support to deliver our campaign.
It is always a good time to be fair. It makes no sense to wait to the next generation, fairness is a good and true thing to do now!
It is in your hands to deliver change. For our campaign to succeed we need to be taken seriously and fairly by policy formers and makers. We need to be visible across Czechia, in cities towns and villages; in urban and rural areas; in work environments, and in public services, etc.
Every Crown we get from you will be spent on delivering that visibility: you will be paying for information posters, dispelling the myths leaflets, video production and getting to every corner of Moravia and Silesia- across the whole of Czechia and beyond to our diaspora.
Our campaign is about getting people talking, not just posters. It is a national conversation. It is your donations which will make the conversation happen.
From 19 April throughout Czechia we will deliver a series of discussions, dialogues and debates about marriage equality. We will be at local and national festivals. In September, we will visit the town squares of over 60 Czech cities talking about marriage equality and listening too.
Your donation is vital. It will help us get to more places, talk to more people, dispel the myths and help people to fully realise that It’s only fair. If you want us to come to your town, workplace or community? Write to us.
We will not achieve this if we dance around. We need to act. We need your support and donations to act. We need to ensure that policy formers and makers have their facts right. We need to ensure that your friends, colleagues, families and communities have fair information. Without your financial support we cannot do it, but together we can!
Power the campaign - give regularly or give a once-off donation.
Donations of CZK 1,000 from individuals and over CZK 2,000 from businesses are tax deductible under the Czech tax law.
FUEL THE POWER of our campaign with your donation. MAKE MARRIAGE EQUALITY A REALITY for all Czechs.
Also, we are asking our friends, colleagues and supporters across Europe to donate too. They know how finances fuel a campaign.
We are asking you too to be part of our change. In this way, together we can achieve equality and equity for LGBTI people in our European economy and society. EVERY DONATION COUNTS. It fuels our campaign and will help the undecided to see that it’s fair!
We are a Coalition of five czech non-profits that believe that it is time for marriage equality in the Czech Republic. Members of the Coalition are: Amnesty International Czech Republic, Logos Czech Republic, Mezipatra, PROUD, Prague Pride and Queer Geography.